WWE wrestler Randy Orton reportedly forked over a thousand bucks to get someone to level his Elden Ring character for him-

Randy Orton is a busy man with things to be doing. The once-upon-a-time youngest heavyweight champion in WWE history has, you know, half-nelsons to be practising, suplexes to be suplexing, and, um, ah, Montreal Screwjobs to attend to?

Okay, I don’t know much about wrestling, but I do know a fair bit about Elden Ring, which makes me slightly disappointed that I wasn’t the person that Mr Orton paid $1000 to powerlevel his character in the game. Because according to a recent stream from Insiderz TV (spotted by Kotaku), the wrestler got so impatient with Elden Ring’s hard-going early hours that he decided he’d be better off just buying his way to a higher level. Can I do that the next time I’m banging my head against something difficult for a review? (I cannot).

According to Insiderz hosts Mansoor Al-Shehail and Brennan Williams—former members of WWE’s Maximum Male Models wrestling stable—Orton revealed his love of Elden Ring to them before an episode of…